Thursday, May 9, 2013

Injured Özil could miss Cup Final

By on 15:34

The only negative note on the night for Real Madrid during its game against Málaga involved Mesut Özil. The German midfielder fell injured ten minutes from time and was taken off on a stretcher.
Özil suffered an injury to his right ankle. The severity of his injury is as yet unknown, but it could rule him out of the Spanish Cup final against Atlético on 17th May.
José Mourinho, who had not left the dugout during the whole game, leapt quickly out onto the pitch to check on the German.
At the Bernabéu's press room, the assistant manager Aitor Karanka offered no further light on the importance of the midfielder's injury.

About Noureddine Djelfaoui

Noureddine a guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer.


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