Saturday, March 1, 2014

"We'll bounce back well tomorrow"

By on 17:28

FC Barcelona coach Gerardo 'Tata' Martino appeared at a press conference ahead of this Sunday's game against Almería.
The week: "It's been a tough week, like the ones when we didn't beat Valencia, Bilbao or Ajax. But whether I get a good result or a bad one, that doesn't affect my approach."
Self-criticism: "I coach a side that is highly critical of itself. The team will bounce back well. Our current situation demands it. We have to get back to winning ways."
Manchester: "We have to win and play in line with our possibilities. It's still in our own hands in the league, although one thing is true: we'll have a better chance if we play like we did in Manchester rather than how we played in San Sebastian."
Three competitions: "We're challenging on all fronts. That's what Barcelona wants, as do half a dozen other European clubs. It's great to be in the running with eighty days to go until the end of the campaign. If we'd been offered this back in July, we'd have taken it."
Rest: "When you're trying to bounce back from a difficult situation, the best thing is to play a match, although we also needed a week to recover and train in peace, but we lost and it wasn't an ideal week."
Derby: "Whatever happens in Madrid, we'll still have to play both of them in the future, although it would be better if we could cut the lead this weekend."
Criticism: "I'm not prepared to analyse everything that's been said. We all like receiving praise, not criticism. Praise is often quite distorted. However, I'm not going to question the validity of praise or criticism."

About Noureddine Djelfaoui

Noureddine a guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer.


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