Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Cruyff: "Barça doesn't need to waste money on Neymar"

By on 20:34

"Unless he plays for the team and for Messi", he clarified

Johan Cruyff was the star turn on a recent footballing show broadcast over Spain's COPE radio network, and during his time on air he said that he doesn't think that Real Madrid has found the magic formula for beating Barcelona: "Things are getting a bit confused here. In those two games, Madrid was clinging on at points. In the past it was Barça that used to justify the season by beating Madrid, and now it's the other way around".
The former 'Azulgrana' manager talked about Mourinho: "He's a great manager, but he was never a player and that's noticeable – that's not to say that he's a bad coach. Anyway, he has some great players although he could get a bit more out of some of them". Whilst talking about Real Madrid he also said the team "should be very happy with Cristiano" and he revealed his soft spot for Özil: "He has enough quality about him to adapt to Barça's playing style".
Analysing the present and future of Barcelona, Cruyff commented that the team "doesn't need Neymar. Barça has a fantastic squad so why waste any money – although if he plays for the squad and for Messi then he would be a good fit, of course". The Dutchman said that "Messi has a different type of power at the club because he's a true artist with the ball at his feet and you're stupid if you don't respect him".
He also said that he thinks he may one day see Xavi in the dugout: "He loves football, although like anyone else he also needs to learn that it's very different being a manager from being a player, although if you've already been a great player it does help a lot. To be a manager you need to understand how the dressing room works".

About Noureddine Djelfaoui

Noureddine a guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer.


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